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Expert F#

ISBN: 1590598504
Price: $55.99
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2007

Expert F# is about practical programming in a beautiful language that puts the power and elegance of functional programming into the hands of .NET developers. In combination with .NET, F# achieves unrivaled levels of programmer productivity and program clarity. This books serves as
  • The authoritative guide to F# by the designer of F#
  • A comprehensive reference of F# concepts, syntax, and features
  • A treasury of expert F# techniques for practical, real-world programming

While inspired by OCaml, F# isn't just another functional programming language. Drawing on many of the strengths of both OCaml and .NET, it's a general-purpose language ideal for real-world development. F# integrates functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming styles so you can flexibly and elegantly solve programming problems, and brings .NET development alive with interactive execution. Whatever your background, you'll find that F# is easy to learn, fun to use, and extraordinarily powerful. F# will help change the way you think about and go about programming.

Written by F#'s designer and two active contributors, Expert F# is the authoritative, comprehensive, and in-depth guide to the language and its use. Designed to help others become experts, the book gives a thorough introduction to the F# language from quick essentials to in-depth advanced topics such as active pattern matching, aggregate data types and operators, sequence expressions, lazy values, mutable data and side-effects, generics, type augmentations, functional decomposition and code organization.

The second half of the book is devoted to examining the practical application of F#, providing elegant solutions to common programming tasks including UI implementation, data access, web and distributed programming, symbolic and numerical computations, concurrent programming, testing, profiling, and interoperability with other languages. The latest hot developments in F# and .NET are also addressed, including Active Patterns, implicit class construction, integration with LINQ over relational data, meta programming and useful tips for working with Visual Studio and F# command-line tools.

The worlds foremost experts in F# show you how to program in F# the way they do!

Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones

ISBN: 0470066415
Price: $69.13
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2007

Richard Harrison's existing books are the bestsellers in the Symbian Press Portfolio.  His latest book, co-written with Mark Shackman is the successor to "Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones" Volumes One and Two. Written in the same style as the two previous volumes, this is set to be another gem in the series. 

The existing material from the volumes will be combined, with explanations and example code updated to reflect the introduction of Symbian OS v9.  New and simplified example application will be introduced, which will be used throughout the book.  The reference and theory section in particular sets this book apart from the competition and complements other books being proposed at this time.

Anyone looking for a thorough insight into Symbian OS C++ before moving onto specialize on particular Symbian OS phones need this book!  It will not teach people how to program in C++, but it will reinforce the techniques behind developing applications in Symbian OS C++, and more.

This innovative new book covers Symbian OS fundamentals, core concepts and UI.

Key highlights include:

  • A quick guide to Kernel
  • Platform security
  • Publishing Applications
  • View Architecture
  • Multi-User games

ISBN: 0976694093
Price: $19.77
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Year: 2006

As a development team, you want to be productive. You want to write flexible, maintainable web applications. You want to use Ruby and Rails. But can you justify the move away from established platforms such as J2EE? Bruce Tate's From Java to Ruby has the answers, and it expresses them in a language that'll help persuade managers and executives who've seen it all. See when and where the switch makes sense, and see how to make it.

If you're trying to adopt Ruby in your organization and need some help, this is the book for you.

Based on a decision tree (a concept familiar to managers and executives,) Java to Ruby stays above the low-level technical debate to examine the real benefits and risks to adoption.

Java to Ruby is packed with interviews of Ruby customers and developers, so you can see what types of projects are likely to succeed, and which ones are likely to fail. Ruby and Rails may be the answer, but first you need to be sure you're asking the right question. By addressing risk and fitness of purpose, Java to Ruby makes sure you're asking the right questions first.

Because technology adoption is only the beginning, Java to Ruby walks you through the whole lifecycle of prototype, ramp up, and production and deployment.

The Ruby Programming Language

ISBN: 0596516177
Price: $26.39
Publisher: O'Reilly
Year: 2008

The Ruby Programming Language is the authoritative guide to Ruby and provides comprehensive coverage of versions 1.8 and 1.9 of the language. It was written (and illustrated!) by an all-star team: David Flanagan, bestselling author of programming language "bibles" (including JavaScript: The Definitive Guide and Java in a Nutshell) and committer to the Ruby Subversion repository. Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, creator, designer and lead developer of Ruby and author of Ruby in a Nutshell, which has been expanded and revised to become this book. why the lucky stiff, artist and Ruby programmer extraordinaire. This book begins with a quick-start tutorial to the language, and then explains the language in detail from the bottom up: from lexical and syntactic structure to datatypes to expressions and statements and on through methods, blocks, lambdas, closures, classes and modules. The book also includes a long and thorough introduction to the rich API of the Ruby platform, demonstrating -- with heavily-commented example code -- Ruby's facilities for text processing, numeric manipulation, collections, input/output, networking, and concurrency. An entire chapter is devoted to Ruby's metaprogramming capabilities. The Ruby Programming Language documents the Ruby language definitively but without the formality of a language specification. It is written for experienced programmers who are new to Ruby, and for current Ruby programmers who want to challenge their understanding and increase their mastery of the language.